Dec. 1, 2023 NMPMSE meeting updates (click to expand)

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Zoom link for virtual attendees:

Pre-reading for work session: Math Policy Recommendations

Please plan to attend our annual NMPMSE General Membership Meeting  on Friday, December 1st from 11:45am – 4:00pm.

What: Annual NM Partnership for Math and Science Education (NMPMSE) General Membership Meeting

When: December 1st from 11:45 – 4:00

Where: Project ECHO Building, 1650 University NE, Albuquerque NM 87102

Located in Room Whale/Dolphin on the1st Floor (signs will be posted)

The meeting will be in two parts.

Part 1- In-person Only: 11:45 – 2:00; This will include a networking lunch and then structured conversation. Please be prepared to discuss the pre-read document (link above).

Part 2: Both in-person and virtual: 2:00 – 4:00; Presentation and Q & A by NM Legislative Study Committee (LESC) Director Gwen Warniment, followed by NMPMSE business, and  Partner Updates.


  • 11:45 Networking Lunch (pizza, drinks, cookies, coffee)
  • 12:25 Engage in a structured conversation around the math priority areas. These are recommendations that are emerging out of the math working group. 
  • 2:00 LESC Presentation on Math Education in NM by Dr. Gwen Warniment and Jessica Hathaway
  • 3:00 NMPMSE business
  • 3:15 Partner Updates, including an update from Shafiq Chaudhary and the NMPED Math and Science Bureau.
  • 4:00 Adjourn

If you are interested in sharing a 5 min. organization update to the members, please email Zach at

Best regards, 

Zach, Kersti, Selena, Hy